Mysteel稀土价格指数方法论; Mysteel氧化锌价格指数方法论; Mysteel锌精矿价格指数方法论; 政策类公示文件. 2024/Mysteel钢材价格指数发布历; 2022/Mysteel铁矿石数据及价格指数发布历; 2022/Mysteel远期现货铁矿石价格指数发布历; 2022/Mysteel港口现货
获取价格财经数据 _ 铁矿石指数:综合 _ 数据中心 _ 东方财富网
财经数据 _ 铁矿石指数:综合 _ 数据中心 _ 东方财富网. 数据中心. 全球财经快讯 行情中心 Choice数据. . 特色 龙虎榜单 融资融券 股权质押 大宗交易 机构调研 期指持仓 公告大
2.82%. 2023-08-22. 113.30. 0.00. 0.00%. 西本新干线数据库体系,主要提供钢铁指数、焦炭指数、铁矿石指数、废钢指数、钢坯指数、全国及各地主要钢材品种库存量、全国主要
[08-22] 2024河北铁矿石产业链技术与市场发展大会暨第七届唐山钢铁原材料产业大会圆满落幕 [08-22] 2024河北铁矿石产业链技术与市场发展大会暨第七届唐山钢铁原材料产业大
新华指数8/20当周山东港口铁矿石价格指数弱势运行 08-23; 铁矿石领涨黑色系,反弹行情能否持续?|期市头条 08-23; 本周铁矿石市场涨跌互现 ...
获取价格铁矿 - 期货合约 - 价格 2010-2024 数据 2025-2026 预测
2 之 3.16%. 2024-08-23. 铁矿 - 期货合约 - 价格. 铁矿石价格是指中国津港口交付的铁矿石精矿,品位为63.5%,成本加运费。. 用于制造基础设施和其他建筑项目所需的钢
获取价格标普高盛铁矿石指数 标普道琼斯指数
SPICE. 关于标普道琼斯指数(opens in a new tab) 指数搜寻. 标普高盛铁矿石指数作为一个公开可靠的基准,用于衡量铁矿石市场的投资表现。.
获取价格中国 China Iron Ore Price Index (CIOPI) 经济指标 CEIC
铁矿石价格指数数据按更新,09-09-2011至12-06-2018期间平均值为245.4801994/4/=100,共1327份观测结果。. 该数据的历史最高值出现于09-09-2011,达596.8701994
获取价格中国 铁矿石价格指数 : 度 CEIC
2024/8/1 CEIC数据库提供了中国铁矿石价格指数的历史数据数据库提供了中国铁矿石价格指数的历史数据,包括国产和进口两种类型,以及不同含硫率的铁矿石。数据按
铁矿石产业数据实时查询,提供库存、发运量、价格、现货等数据可视化展现. 价格. 进口矿远期价格. 62%澳粉远期现货价格指数; 62%低铝远期现货价格指数 ...
获取价格中翔钢铁科普专栏|全球铁矿石四大指数简介 - 百家号
2021/3/17 国产铁矿石价格指数数据为全国主要产区的铁精矿市场成交含税价格,包括14个省区市、32个矿山区域的干基铁精矿价格;进口铁矿石价格指数数据则为中钢协会员单位报送的干基粉矿到岸价格,最后参考国内港口进口铁矿石市场成交价格采取加权计算。
获取价格精品:TSI指数 - jpcj
TSI指数( theSteelIndex )是由英国的环球钢讯(SBB)推出的铁矿石指数。 与普氏指数相比,TSI指数更加重视每的实际成交价格, TSI指数的样本采集来自众多企业的成交数据, 钢厂、矿山和贸易商都是TSI的询价对象,并且占比基本三三制,这些企业提供的都是实际成交价格, 而 不是询价和报价。
获取价格Daily Iron Ore Index price, Lme Comex Shfe Price of Iron Ore Index
Most Read Exclusive: SMM China July Metals Production and August Forecast Arcadium Gives Lower Lithium Price Scenario Analysis and Delays Projects Development 【SMM Analysis】With the demand recovering, the accumulation of lithium hydroxide inventory in July has narrowed Battery cell prices for energy storage fell in July, and prices may
2021/12/14 1.季节性累库不影响价格方向 1-3/份铁矿石出现了季节性累库,因短期因素影响,铁矿石价格出现了比较大的回调,但并未改变价格震荡向上的方向。 2021/淡季累库挺价的原因有:一方面供需面结构没有较大变化,钢厂主动补库;另一方面淡季正好是期货主力换/时候,远期合约预期较好,期货 ...
2022/3/25 来源:中国冶金报社继普氏指数后,又一铁矿石价格指数被业内广泛质疑。3/10,一份唐山聚金协会针对英国金属导报(mb)指数的声明在钢铁及 ...
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开源的金融投资数据提取工具,专注在各类网站上爬取数据,并通过简单易用的API方式使用. Contribute to PKUJohnson/OpenData ...
SP Global Platts IODEX 普氏铁矿石指数 2022/3/1 Platts铁矿石指数,即IODEX(代码IODBZ00),是每新加坡时间下午5:30 ...
获取价格Count Down on the Listing of Industrial Silicon Futures_SMM
SHANGHAI, Feb 22 - Recently, the Guangzhou Futures Exchange has again announced to accelerate the research and listing of industrial silicon, polysilicon, lithium, rare earths, platinum and palladium and other metal futures varieties.
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aa2in1.top is 2 years 11 months old. It is a domain having top extension. This website is estimated worth of $ 8.95 and have a daily income of around $ 0.15.
获取价格Imports of Cobalt Intermediate Products Fell Sharply in October,
According to customs data, China imported 5,399 mt of cobalt raw material in metal content in October, a month-on-month decrease of 31% and year-on-year decrease of 49%. The imports totalled 73,700 mt in metal content from January to October, up 3% YoY Imports of cobalt ore were 69 mt in metal content in October (calculated at 8% grade), down 56%
SP Global Platts IODEX 普氏铁矿石指数 2022/3/1 Platts铁矿石指数,即IODEX(代码IODBZ00),是每新加坡时间下午5:30 ...
获取价格Count Down on the Listing of Industrial Silicon Futures_SMM
SHANGHAI, Feb 22 - Recently, the Guangzhou Futures Exchange has again announced to accelerate the research and listing of industrial silicon, polysilicon, lithium, rare earths, platinum and palladium and other metal futures varieties.
获取价格Aa2in1 : _大醇小疵网
aa2in1.top is 2 years 11 months old. It is a domain having top extension. This website is estimated worth of $ 8.95 and have a daily income of around $ 0.15.
获取价格Imports of Cobalt Intermediate Products Fell Sharply in October,
According to customs data, China imported 5,399 mt of cobalt raw material in metal content in October, a month-on-month decrease of 31% and year-on-year decrease of 49%. The imports totalled 73,700 mt in metal content from January to October, up 3% YoY Imports of cobalt ore were 69 mt in metal content in October (calculated at 8% grade), down 56%
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This weekend, Berkshire Hathaway’s annual shareholder meeting will be held grandly in Omaha, Nebraska, the United States. Investors all over the world are also expected to once again turn their attention to the two 90-year-old investment giants Buffett and Munger.
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Stephen Jen, CEO of Eurizon SLJ Capital Ltd., the founder of the "dollar smile theory", released a report in early April saying that as the US inflation rate gradually cools down, the Federal Reserve may start a cycle of interest rate cuts soon, so Stephen Jen expects that the U.S. dollar will continue to weaken, and the U.S. dollar may depreciate by another
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