首页 > gameshark作弊码矿石镇的伙伴们



5 之  牧场物语矿石镇的伙伴们这款经典游戏当中也是拥有很多非常不错的秘籍代码,小编也是为玩家整理了这款游戏当中的最新最全面的金手指代码大全,感兴趣的小伙伴就


GBA牧场物语矿石镇 gameshark金手指 - 百度经验

2014/8/15  1/2 分步阅读. 设置 → 作弊码 → 菜单添加. 2/2. 牧场物语-矿石镇的伙伴们(男孩版). 实测大部分有效,特别是锁定时间的. 安卓偏移后的金手指(也就是要写


牧场物语矿石镇的伙伴们 金手指教程 - 百度贴吧

2015/3/5  牧场物语矿石镇的伙伴..★如有想转载,请注明出处及原作者。★这是矿石镇男版的。★这是电脑模拟器vba的金手指攻略,不是手机(我也不会用手机的!)请对号


牧场物语矿石镇的伙伴们金手指代码大全 - 3DM游戏网

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牧场物语矿石镇的伙伴们金手指代码(要详细)牧场物语矿石镇的伙伴们金手指代码:金钱:02004080:XXXXX体力最大:02006a28: ff万步记数值:02006a2c:7F969812别

答复数: 3

★★牧场物语:矿石镇的伙伴们GBA金手指★★ - 哔哩哔哩

1101 废矿石 1201 铜 1301 银 1401 金 1501 秘银 1601 奥. 利哈水晶 1701 阿得曼金刚石. 1801 /亮石 1901 沙漠玫瑰石 1a01 粉红矿石 1b01 亚历山大. 石 1c01 贤者之石 1d01 钻



2020/3/20  gba牧场物语-矿石镇的伙伴们下矿金手指使用指南如题,估计很. 如题,估计很多玩矿石镇的伙伴们快被挖矿下层折磨疯了吧,网上给出的下矿金手指又很多都是


牧场物语矿石镇的伙伴们金手指GameShark码多少 - 百度知道

2009/12/6  举报. 牧场物语矿石镇的伙伴们金手指GameShark码多少金钱: 02004080:XXXXX 体力最大: 020041F4: ff 别墅 020025D8:XX 如果这金手指不行, 请用---



2015/4/28  牧场物语矿石镇的伙伴们金手指代码 . 时间:2015-04-28 15:53:24 来源:k73电玩之家 作者:小四 热度: 2892 次 《牧场物语矿石镇的伙伴们》作为一款牧场经营游戏内容上很全面,需要玩家动手收集或者慢



2022/12/28  【牧场物语矿石镇的伙伴们】牧场教学之金手指篇【出自刊物:掌机迷】 2022/12/28 17:19 --浏览 --点赞 --评论 视频地址: 【GBA】【牧场物语矿石镇的伙伴们】第1/养成攻略以及人物事件触发


Pokémon GameShark codes - Glitch City Wiki

2021/1/4  This article lists GameShark codes for the main handheld Pokémon games up to Generation II. They also work for Xploder GB.. To find identifiers (the value for '??' or 'xx') for glitch Pokémon, items, moves or letters, use the Big HEX List.Users are welcome to put these in the code archives too. Please report any broken codes on the respective


Code Types (Playstation) - Wiki - GameHacking

Gameshark 2.41 and higher. Needs a button chart: 60~, including all Cx and comparison types 16-bit Incrementer 10XXXXXX YYYY: Increments value at address 80XXXXXX by YYYY: Gameshark 2.2 and higher. Use with a joker: 30~ including all in/decrement types 16-bit Decrementer 11XXXXXX YYYY: Decrements value at address 80XXXXXX by


GameShark Returns to Gaming in 2024 Under a New

2024/1/11  In the late 1900's, players used cartridges or computer discs connected to a console's memory bank to activate cheat codes for games. GameShark was the most popular brand of cartridges, pre


Crash Bash CodeBreaker/Gameshark Codes (NTSC-USA)

This page contains CodeBreaker/Gameshark cheat codes for Crash Bash (NTSC-USA) for the Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical CodeBreaker/Gameshark device to use the


Pokemon Emerald Cheats - Action Replay/GameShark And

HOW TO USE: Enter code 82005274 0YYY and replace YYY with item digits, go to Pokemart and purchase the first item in the buy list. The first item is your chosen berry. Example: Enter code 82005274 0085 for Cheri berry.. 085 – Cheri Berry 086 – Chesto Berry 087 – Pecha Berry 088 – Rawst Berry 089 – Aspear Berry


GameShark - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

GameShark是一系列电子游戏作弊卡带,以及多种面向游戏机系统和Windows电脑的产品的品牌名。 目Mad Catz持有这一品牌名,并为PlayStation、Xbox和任堂游戏机销售GameShark产品。 玩家通过Gameshark碟片或卡带,将作弊码载入主机内部或外部存储器,并在游戏载入时运行所选作弊码。


Are Gamesharks Illegal? What You Need To Know – Gaming Shift

GameShark has optional encryption and lets you manage saved files, plus you can build personal code lists. However, Codebreaker has a wider range of cheat commands and a more stable cheat engine. Both GameShark and Codebreaker are outdated, so you won’t find support for PS2 and Xbox games released late in the console’s lifecycle. And ...


Jade Cocoon Gameshark Codes - Almar's Guides

Jade Cocoon Gameshark Codes. This page contains Gameshark cheat codes for Jade Cocoon for the Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical Gameshark device to use the codes.


Pokemon Glazed Cheats, GameShark Codes For GBA

2024/8/13  Pokemon Glazed Cheats – GameShark Codes for Game Boy Advance. Below are cheat codes that will work for Pokemon Glazed. If you notice, some of the codes are present in Pokemon Emerald cheats, this is true because Pokemon Glazed is a Pokemon Emerald-based ROM hack.. Fixing Penthouse Key Glitch


Beste Pokémon Smaragd-Cheats – GameShark-Codes - GameZis

2022/12/20  Mit Cheat-Codes können Sie die seltensten Pokémons im wilden Gras finden, durch Wände gehen, unbegrenzt Geld, Pokébälle und mehr erhalten. Wenn Sie nach Pokémon-Cheats suchen, sind Sie hier genau richtig. In diesem Artikel haben wir lustige und nützliche GameShark-Cheat-Codes für Pokémon Emerald geteilt.


Max Payne 2 Gameshark Codes (NTSC-U) - Almar's Guides

Max Payne 2 Gameshark Codes (NTSC-U) This page contains all of the Gameshark cheat codes I have for Max Payne 2. If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide.This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that


Final Fantasy VII Gameshark Codes - Almar's Guides

This page contains Gameshark cheat codes for Final Fantasy VII for the Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical Gameshark device to use the codes.


Yu-Gi-Oh: Dark Duel Stories Gameshark Codes (USA) - Almar's

Yu-Gi-Oh: Dark Duel Stories Gameshark Codes (USA) This page contains all of the Gameshark codes I have for Yu-Gi-Oh: Dark Duel Stories (USA), a game for the Game Boy Color handheld console. If you are playing on a physical Game Boy/GBC then you'll need to purchase a physical Gameshark device to use the codes that you find on this page.


Trucos Pokémon Esmeralda en español (Gamesharks)

Pokémon Esmeralda es la tercera versión de los juegos de la 3°. generación de la franquicia. El Pokémon Rayquaza protagoniza la carátula de esta versión y la historia se desarrolla en la región Hoenn. En esta sección encontrarás trucos y cheats en formato de Gameshark o Codebreaker que te ayudarán a completar el juego más rápido y con más


Max Payne 2 Gameshark Codes (NTSC-U) - Almar's Guides

Max Payne 2 Gameshark Codes (NTSC-U) This page contains all of the Gameshark cheat codes I have for Max Payne 2. If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide.This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that


Final Fantasy VII Gameshark Codes - Almar's Guides

This page contains Gameshark cheat codes for Final Fantasy VII for the Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical Gameshark device to use the codes.


Yu-Gi-Oh: Dark Duel Stories Gameshark Codes (USA) - Almar's

Yu-Gi-Oh: Dark Duel Stories Gameshark Codes (USA) This page contains all of the Gameshark codes I have for Yu-Gi-Oh: Dark Duel Stories (USA), a game for the Game Boy Color handheld console. If you are playing on a physical Game Boy/GBC then you'll need to purchase a physical Gameshark device to use the codes that you find on this page.


Trucos Pokémon Esmeralda en español (Gamesharks)

Pokémon Esmeralda es la tercera versión de los juegos de la 3°. generación de la franquicia. El Pokémon Rayquaza protagoniza la carátula de esta versión y la historia se desarrolla en la región Hoenn. En esta sección encontrarás trucos y cheats en formato de Gameshark o Codebreaker que te ayudarán a completar el juego más rápido y con más


GameSharkBr - YouTube

Games vlog, gameplay channel and nerd world in general you can find here. Analyzes, curiosities and comments with a lot of research and dedication! Favorite games (random order): Metal Gear Solid ...


GameShark Code Index - Sony Playstation (PS1) Ethereal Games

These codes were also known as Action Replay Codes and in most cases are compatible with both devices. Check out the Sony Playstation Action Replay Code Index for more games and codes. These codes are also compatible with Code Breaker.


Dragon Warrior Monsters Gameshark Codes (USA, Europe)

Dragon Warrior Monsters Gameshark Codes (USA, Europe) This page contains all of the Gameshark codes I have for Dragon Warrior Monsters (USA, Europe), a game for the Game Boy Color handheld console. If you are playing on a physical Game Boy/GBC then you'll need to purchase a physical Gameshark device to use the codes that you find on


Dark Cloud 2 Gameshark Codes (NTSC-U) - Almar's Guides

Dark Cloud 2 Gameshark Codes (NTSC-U) This page contains all of the Gameshark cheat codes I have for Dark Cloud 2. If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide.This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page


求口袋妖怪火红的GAMESHARK金手指 - 百度知道

记住是GAMESHARK作弊码,不方便用电脑转码,麻烦直接转码发给我,邮箱[email protected]... 格式是像这个一样的→_→奇异糖果:9148B0F43D73C8B。记住是GAMESHARK作弊码,不方便用电脑转码,麻烦直接转码发给我,邮箱821475232@qq


GameShark (PlayStation) - Wiki - GameHacking

2016/7/6  GameShark cartridge. The GameShark for PlayStation is the first Game Enhancer to bear the GameShark name. It is actually a re-branded Action Replay.It was created by Datel, but distributed in the US by InterAct.. While the disc versions of GameShark have been confirmed to work on PlayStation 2, no GameShark has been


Need for Speed: High Stakes Gameshark Codes (NTSC-U)

This page contains Gameshark cheat codes for Need for Speed: High Stakes for the Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical Gameshark device to use the codes.


Pokemon Fire Red Gameshark Codes

Pokemon Fire Red Gameshark Codes are one of the most important Codes of Pokemon Fire Red Cheats. With them, you can complete Pokemon Fire Red journey easily by get unlimited money, master balls, rare candies and others. We have tried our best to check these Cheats and sure that they are still working.


Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories Gameshark Codes (NTSC-U)

Forbidden Memories Gameshark Codes (NTSC-U) This page contains Gameshark cheat codes for Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories for the Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a
