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基于 MATLAB 的四杆/六杆颚式破碎机动态仿真 - 百度学术

基于 MATLAB 的四杆/六杆颚式破碎机动态仿真 ... 和加速度.使用SimMechanics对机构的驱动力矩和各铰链处反力进行求解.结果表明,相比六杆颚式破碎机,四杆机构所需驱动力矩要


基于MATLAB的四杆/六杆颚式破碎机动态仿真 - 豆丁网



基于matlab的破碎机动力学参数优化设计 optimal design of the

机械设计与制造MachineryDesignManufacture第3期01/3/文章编号:1001—39970103—008—03基于MATLAB的破碎机动力学参数优化设计黄大明1 ...


Equations and systems solver - MATLAB solve

Alternatively, to use the parameters in the MATLAB workspace use syms to initialize the parameter. For example, if the parameter is k, use syms k. The variable names parameters and conditions are not allowed as inputs to solve. To solve differential equations, use the dsolve function. When solving a system of equations, always assign the result ...


2-D line plot - MATLAB plot

Starting in R2019b, you can display a tiling of plots using the tiledlayout and nexttile functions. Call the tiledlayout function to create a 2-by-1 tiled chart layout. Call the nexttile function to create an axes object and return the


Signal-to-noise ratio - MATLAB snr

r = snr(x) returns the SNR in decibels relative to the carrier (dBc) of a real-valued sinusoidal input signal x.The SNR is determined using a modified periodogram of the same length as the input. The modified periodogram


Formatting Text - MATLAB Simulink

Precision. The precision field in a formatting operator is a nonnegative integer that immediately follows a period. For example, in the operator %7.3f, the precision is 3.For the %g operator, the precision indicates the number of significant digits to display. For the %f, %e, and %E operators, the precision indicates how many digits to display to the right of


MATLAB Documentation - MathWorks

MATLAB helps you take your ideas beyond the desktop. You can run your analyses on larger data sets, and scale up to clusters and clouds. MATLAB code can be integrated with other languages, enabling you to deploy algorithms and applications within web, enterprise, and production systems.


Fast Fourier transform - MATLAB fft

To find the amplitudes of the three frequency peaks, convert the fft spectrum in Y to the single-sided amplitude spectrum. Because the fft function includes a scaling factor L between the original and the transformed signals, rescale Y by dividing by L.Take the complex magnitude of the fft spectrum. The two-sided amplitude spectrum P2, where the


Execute statements if condition is true - MATLAB if elseif else

An expression can include relational operators (such as < or ==) and logical operators (such as , , or ~).Use the logical operators and and or to create compound expressions. MATLAB ® evaluates compound expressions from left to right, adhering to operator precedence rules.. Within the conditional expression of an if...end block, logical operators


Numerical integration - MATLAB integral

Array-valued function flag, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'ArrayValued' and a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false).Set this flag to true or 1 to indicate that fun is a function that accepts a scalar input and returns a vector, matrix, or N-D array output.. The default value of false indicates that fun is a function that accepts a vector


Transfer function model - MATLAB

Transfer functions are a frequency-domain representation of linear time-invariant systems. For instance, consider a continuous-time SISO dynamic system represented by the transfer function sys(s) = N(s)/D(s), where s = jw and N(s) and D(s) are called the numerator and denominator polynomials, respectively. The tf model object can represent SISO or MIMO


Set axis limits and aspect ratios - MATLAB axis

A matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState value — A value of matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState.on displays the axes lines and background, and matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState.off hides them. (since R2024a) Note. Use parentheses to specify 1, 0, true, false, or an ...


Reduced row echelon form (Gauss-Jordan elimination) - MATLAB rref

Partial pivoting is the practice of selecting the column element with largest absolute value in the pivot column, and then interchanging the rows of the matrix so that this element is in the pivot position (the leftmost nonzero element in the row).. For example, in the matrix below the algorithm starts by identifying the largest value in the first column (the value in the


Fit curve or surface to data - MATLAB fit

To a fit custom model, use a MATLAB expression, a cell array of linear model terms, or an anonymous function. You can also create a fittype using the fittype function, and then use it as the value of the fitType input argument. For an example, see Fit a Custom Model Using an Anonymous Function.


Bode plot of frequency response, or magnitude and phase data - MATLAB

bode(sys) creates a Bode plot of the frequency response of a dynamic system model sys.The plot displays the magnitude (in dB) and phase (in degrees) of the system response as a function of frequency. bode automatically determines frequencies to plot based on system dynamics.. If sys is a multi-input, multi-output (MIMO) model, then bode produces


Eigenvalues and eigenvectors - MATLAB eig

[V,D,W] = eig(A) also returns full matrix W whose columns are the corresponding left eigenvectors, so that W'*A = D*W'. The eigenvalue problem is to determine the solution to the equation Av = λv, where A is an n-by-n matrix, v is a column vector of length n, and λ is a scalar. The values of λ that satisfy the equation are the eigenvalues. The corresponding


Reduced row echelon form (Gauss-Jordan elimination) - MATLAB rref

Partial pivoting is the practice of selecting the column element with largest absolute value in the pivot column, and then interchanging the rows of the matrix so that this element is in the pivot position (the leftmost nonzero element in the row).. For example, in the matrix below the algorithm starts by identifying the largest value in the first column (the value in the


Fit curve or surface to data - MATLAB fit

To a fit custom model, use a MATLAB expression, a cell array of linear model terms, or an anonymous function. You can also create a fittype using the fittype function, and then use it as the value of the fitType input


Bode plot of frequency response, or magnitude and

bode(sys) creates a Bode plot of the frequency response of a dynamic system model sys.The plot displays the magnitude (in dB) and phase (in degrees) of the system response as a function of frequency. bode


Eigenvalues and eigenvectors - MATLAB eig

[V,D,W] = eig(A) also returns full matrix W whose columns are the corresponding left eigenvectors, so that W'*A = D*W'. The eigenvalue problem is to determine the solution to the equation Av = λv, where A is an n-by-n matrix, v is a column vector of length n, and λ is a scalar. The values of λ that satisfy the equation are the eigenvalues. The corresponding


Concatenate arrays - MATLAB cat

Algorithms. When concatenating an empty array to a nonempty array, cat omits the empty array in the output. For example, cat(2,[1 2],[]) returns the row vector [1 2]. If all input arguments are empty and have compatible sizes, then cat returns an empty array whose size is equal to the output size as when the inputs are nonempty. For example,


MATLAB Online - MATLAB Simulink

MATLAB Online provides access to MATLAB from any standard web browser wherever you have Internet access. MATLAB Online offers cloud storage and synchronization, and collaboration through online sharing and publishing, making it ideal for teaching, learning, and lightweight access.


Pricing and Licensing - MATLAB Simulink

Whether you want MATLAB for personal use, commercial use, or use in teaching and academic research, there's a MATLAB license that meets your needs. Select license details to see the price. Intended Use Standard. Startups. Academic. Student. Home. For use at a commercial, government, or other organization.


Array Indexing - MATLAB Simulink

In MATLAB®, there are three primary approaches to accessing array elements based on their location (index) in the array. These approaches are indexing by position, linear indexing, and logical indexing. Indexing with Element Positions. The most common way is to explicitly specify the indices of the elements. For example, to access a single ...


Declare function name, inputs, and outputs - MATLAB function

function [y1,...,yN] = myfun(x1,...,xM) declares a function named myfun that accepts inputs x1,...,xM and returns outputs y1,...,yN.This declaration statement must be the first executable line of the function. Valid function names begin with an alphabetic character, and can contain letters, numbers, or underscores.


Matlab中的逻辑运算""与"",""与""的区别 - CSDN博客

2017/10/1  文章浏览阅读10w+次,点赞68次,收藏288次。逻辑运算符: 与或~非 “&”和“”操作符可比较两个标量或两个同阶矩阵.对于矩阵来说必须符合规则,如果A和B都是0-1矩阵,则A&B或AB也都是0-1矩阵,这个0-1矩阵的元素是A和B对应元素之间逻辑运算的结果,逻辑操作符认定_matlab 或


MATLAB Documentation - MathWorks

这些 matlab 工具和功能全部进行了严格测试,可彼此配合工作。 matlab 可帮助您不仅仅将自己的创意停留在桌面。您可以对大型数据集运行分析,并扩展到集群和云。matlab 代码可以与其他语言集成,使您能够在 web、企业和生产系统中部署算法和应用程序。


绝对值和复数的模 - MATLAB abs

C/C++ 代码生成 使用 MATLAB® Coder™ 生成 C 代码和 C++ 代码。 GPU 代码生成 使用 GPU Coder™ 为 NVIDIA® GPU 生成 CUDA® 代码。 基于线程的环境 使用 MATLAB® backgroundPool 在后台运行代码或使用 Parallel Computing Toolbox™ ThreadPool 加快代码


Cholesky factorization - MATLAB chol

Triangular factor of input matrix, specified as 'upper' or 'lower'.Use this option to specify that chol should use the upper or lower triangle of the input matrix to compute the factorizationol assumes that the input matrix is symmetric for real matrices or Hermitian for complex matricesol uses only the upper or lower triangle to perform its computations.


Load variables from file into workspace - MATLAB load

S = load(___) loads data into S, using any of the input argument combinations in previous syntaxes.If filename is a MAT-file, then S is a structure array; if filename is an ASCII file, then S is an m-by-n double-precision array containing data from the file, where m is the number of lines in the file and n is the number of values on each line.
