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获取价格BT:XY,12@150在钢筋工程什么意思 - 百度知道
2017/7/15 BT:XY,12@150在钢筋工程什么意思意思是:底部x和y两个方向HRB335直径25的钢筋间距是150mm。其中钢筋成对出现时,“B”表示底,“T”表示顶。“12”表示的是钢筋直径为12mm。“@”就表示的是钢筋间距的意思,比如A8
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2014/12/15 15 Tb/s unrepeatered transmission is achieved over 409.6 km (68.2 dB) of large effective area fiber using forward and backward distributed Raman amplification and a remotely-pumped erbium-doped optical amplifier. This result provides a record capacity-reach product of 6.14 Pb/s-km over a single fibe
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We extend the techniques used in unrepeatered systems to the case of two long spans without regeneration at the intermediate site. We report 15 Tb/s transmission over a cascade of two spans of 333.4 km and 298.6 km.
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We extend the techniques used in unrepeatered systems to the case of two long spans without regeneration at the intermediate site. We report 15 Tb/s transmission over a cascade of two spans of 333.4 km and 298.6 km.
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2024/6/8 What is an I-Beam? I-beams, also known as H-beams or W-beams, are structural steel members with an I-shaped cross-section. They are widely used in construction and manufacturing due to their excellent load-bearing capacity, high strength-to-weight ratio, and torsional stability.