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Keestrack PC

Keestrack-er分析软件可以24小时远程监测设备,从而减少停机并提高盈利能力. 720°全


圆锥破碎机 - H7 - keestrack - 移动式 / 次级



反击破碎机 - R5 - keestrack - 移动式

圆锥破碎机 H4e. 圆锥破碎机 H6. 圆锥破碎机 H6se. 圆锥破碎机 H7. DirectIndustry(工业


颚式破碎机 - B5 - keestrack - 移动式 / 初级 / 碳



Cost savings Keestrack

我们的产品中有助于降低运营成本的方法包括:. Keestrack颚式破碎机得益于液压间隙调


Gesellschaft Keestrack

Das Fundament von Keestrack bildet die Eigentümerfamilie Hoogendoorn: Seit der Gründung durch Kees Hoogendoorn und seine Frau Annet Schoenmaker im Jahr 1988 befindet sich das Unternehmen durchgehend zu 100% in Familienbesitz. Angetrieben vom Grundgedanken kontinuierlicher Weiterentwicklung: Um hohen Ansprüchen an


Keestrack R3 mobiele Prallbrecher

Keestrack R3 mobiele Prallbrecher mit einer Kapazität von 250 t/h. Anwendungen : kalkstein und viele andere weiche bis mittelharte natursteine, beton und deponierecycling, einsetzbar als primär -und


Keestrack H4 mobile tracked cone crusher

Keestrack H4 mobile tracked cone crusher with a capacity of 250 tonnes an hour. Applications : abrasive and hard stone, hard rock and ore, granite and basalt, primary, secondary, tertiary or quarternary crushing, river and sea gravel, quarrying and mining, production of aggregates for asphalt, concrete and others



Nuestro negocio gira en torno a una idea sencilla pero poderosa: el buen desempeño de cada detalle. Nos dedicamos a dar resultados de primer nivel a todos nuestros clientes, así que diseñamos todos los productos Keestrack desde el principio, para que ofrezcan alta eficiencia y economía, y combinen muchas innovaciones individuales que distingan la


Keestrack R3 Mobile tracked Impact crusher

Available in full hybrid e version, Equipped in closed circuit < 30.000 kg, easy to transport without permit, Hopper 3,5 m³ (4,5 yard³), Vibrating feeder with punched plate pre screen 1.200 mm x 920 mm (4’ x 3’), Due to integrated pre screen, higher crushing capacities and less wear, Inlet opening (H x W) 770 x 960 mm (30” x 38’’) , Superior rotor diameter


Keestrack PC

我们致力于为所有客户提供一流的设备,因此Keestrack从设计到生产每款产品 使其更高效,更具成本效益,并结合了许多独特的创新,使产品脱颖而出 我们承诺在每个细节都表现出色



Nous nous engageons à fournir les meilleurs résultats à tous nos clients. Ainsi nous concevons chaque produit Keestrack à partir de zéro pour qu'il offre des rendements élevés et une grande rentabilité, en rassemblant des innovations individuelles : c'est que qui distingue l'entreprise Keestrack de ses concurrents.


Nová výrobní hala KEESTRACK ve Šternberku Keestrack

Více místa, více možností Více než 500 hostů – představitelů samosprávy, distributorů, zákazníků a dodavatelů slaví společně s firmou Keestrack GRAND OPENING nové výrobní haly v české pobočce Keestrack- CZ ve Šternberku. Nový komplex o velikosti 8740 m² ukončuje druhou fázi dlouhodobého rozvoje hlavního výrobního závodu KEESTRACK.


Company Keestrack

The Hoogendoorn family forms the solid basis of Keestrack: Since the foundation by Kees Hoogendoorn and his wife Annet Schoenmaker in 1988, the business has been continuously 100% privately owned. Driven by the idea of continuous improvement: Following high demands on innovation and solution orientation, Keestrack machines are always


Společnost Keestrack

V roce 1996 Kees Hoogendoorn a jeho žena Annet Schoenmaker založili společnost Keestrack s ambiciózní vizí: vyrobit první třídič typu hrubotřídiče na světě. Ani dnes není konkurence schopná se vyrovnat výsledkům, kterých jsme s touto koncepcí dosáhli. Původní koncepce společnosti Keestrack se stala dnešním standardem ...



Our business is built around a simple but powerful idea: Performance in every detail We’re dedicated to delivering best-in-class results for all our customers, so we design every Keestrack product from the ground up to be highly efficient and cost effective, with many individual innovations coming together to set Keestrack apart.


Keestrack K3 mobiele Grobstückssiebe

Keestrack K3 mobiele Grobstückssiebe mit einer kapazität von 250 t/h. Anwendungen : vorsieben/grobsieben, baustoff- und boden recycling, aushub und andere materialien, trennung von bindigen mineralstoffen, bau- und abbruchanwendungen, einsetzbar vor oder nach dem brecher, sand und kies, steinbrüche und andere tagebaue


Keestrack K8 Giant, mobile screener

Available in full hybrid e version, Biggest mobile screen on today's market, Double deck screen box 6.000 x 2.000 mm (20’” x 7’), 12 m² screening surface on each deck, Capacity up to 600 tonnes / hour, Optional Double deck Bivitec FLIP FLOW screen box 6.000 x 1.900 mm (20’ x 6’), Screening force up to 40 G, 11,4 m² screening surface on each deck,


P3 Keestrack

Our Keestrack-er software means you can control your fleet of machines remotely, 24 hours a day, reducing downtime and boosting profitability. Read more. Fuel efficiency. Our low-emission diesel drives with fuel saving load-sensing hydraulics and alternative electric models reduce your fuel usage and save money. ...



Our business is built around a simple but powerful idea: Performance in every detail We’re dedicated to delivering best-in-class results for all our customers, so we design every Keestrack product from the ground up to be highly efficient and cost effective, with many individual innovations coming together to set Keestrack apart.


Keestrack K3 mobiele Grobstückssiebe

Keestrack K3 mobiele Grobstückssiebe mit einer kapazität von 250 t/h. Anwendungen : vorsieben/grobsieben, baustoff- und boden recycling, aushub und andere materialien, trennung von bindigen mineralstoffen,


Keestrack K8 Giant, mobile screener

Available in full hybrid e version, Biggest mobile screen on today's market, Double deck screen box 6.000 x 2.000 mm (20’” x 7’), 12 m² screening surface on each deck, Capacity up to 600 tonnes / hour, Optional Double


P3 Keestrack

Our Keestrack-er software means you can control your fleet of machines remotely, 24 hours a day, reducing downtime and boosting profitability. Read more. Fuel efficiency. Our low-emission diesel drives with fuel saving load-sensing hydraulics and alternative electric models reduce your fuel usage and save money. ...


Keestrack K4 mobiele Grobstückssiebe

Keestrack K4 mobiele Grobstückssiebe mit einer kapazität von 350 t/h. Anwendungen : vorsieben/grobsieben, baustoff- und boden -recycling, aushub und andere materialien, trennung von bindingen mineralstoffen, bau-und abbruchanwendungen,


Keestrack is ready for the future Keestrack

Powering electric plug in driven crushers screens via the grid or by one engine unit Despite significant international restrictions caused by the corona pandemic, Keestrack Group looks back on an overall satisfactory business year. Positive feedback from distributors and many new products announced for the future indicate a sustainable


Trouver un revendeur Keestrack

Vous avez besoin d'aide pour trouver un revendeur Keestrack près de chez vous ? Pour ce faire, il vous suffit de faire votre choix dans les options déroulantes pour trouver les coordonnées de votre revendeur.


Contact Keestrack

Keestrack İş ve Tarım Makineleri Sanayi Ticaret Limited Şirketi Malıköy Anadolu OSB Mahallesi 29 Ekim Caddesi No:9 Sincan 06909 Ankara Türkiye. phone: +90 312 502 4466. USA. Keestrack America 15066 US HWY 380 W Krum, TX 76249 USA. phone: +1 940-482 4004 fax: +1 940-482 3005.


News Press Keestrack

2023/9/28  Keestrack going for ZERO emissions. Join the e-volution: Keestrack shifts via e-drive to ZERO drive “At Matexpo the Join the e-volution campaign is at full speed”, says Marcel Kerkhofs, Marketing Manager at Keestrack.“Keestrack has a strong reputation on innovative and cost-effective equipment with a relentless search on the


Keestrack K7 HP mobile screener

Keestrack K7 HP mobile screener with a capacity of 1000 tonnes an hour. Applications : pre-screening/scalping, screening heavy over-burden, recycling landfill construction waste, separation of sticky aggregate, construction demolition, screening behind or before a crusher, quarrying and mining, coal, armourstone others.


Keestrack C4 mobile screener

Compact high production classifier - 3 4 split, Double or Triple deck screen box 3.600 x 1.500 mm (12’ x 5’), Fuel saving load sense piston pump technology, Auto sequential start as standard, True mobility, no support legs under feed hopper, All decks are interchangeable, Capacity up to 300 tonnes / hour, 5,4 m² screening surface on each



Omdat we weten dat onze gebruikers het meeste uit hun Keestrack machines willen halen bieden wij een volledige geïntegreerde klantenservice. Lees meer. Tracking en monitoring op afstand. Onze Keestrack-er software zorgt ervoor dat u uw machine 24/7 op afstand kunt monitoren, stilstand tijden kunt minimaliseren en uw winstgevendheid kan ...


Keestrack K6 mobile screener

Introduced by Keestrack in 1996 and due to RD most mature unit on the market, Unrivalled Performance, Available in full hybrid version, Standard heavy duty plate apron feeder and hydraulic folding hopper walls, Double deck screen box 4.500 x 1.800 mm (15’ x 6’), 8,1 m² screening surface on each deck, Liftable screenbox to get easy access to


Keestrack K3 mobile screener

Keestrack K3 mobile screener with a capacity of 250 tonnes an hour. Applications : pre-screening/scalping, recycling landfill and construction waste, top soil and many other products, separation of sticky aggregate, construction and demolition, screening behind or before a crusher, sand and gravel, quarrying.
